Wednesday, February 5, 2014


The title could mislead you, for gaming isn't all fun and games!

Question: What do I think about gaming in the classroom?

Funny you should ask. I've always been a big fan of classroom gaming, although it is *just* now becoming more high-tech. You see, I'm a math teacher in a large, urban district. My teen-aged students have no interest in what I have to say unless I sell it. Part of the sales pitch involves some kind of game. Sometimes, the students play against me. Sometimes, it's half the class versus the other half. Often, I have student-versus-student games to help nail down a concept. I've always taught this way, and I know my students and their parents appreciate this instructional approach. How do I know? They've told me for years. Better than being told? They're learning, excelling, and enjoying the process. Gaming provides challenge, friendly competition, motivation, and fun. I embrace the future in gaming technology for education.

Describe three of the gaming/simulation/virtual reality sites you explored in Assignment 5.3...

As a middle school math teacher, I immediately began exploring sites angled at middle and secondary students. The first site I visited was Budget Hero.

I chose this because, well, hello! Budget = Math, right? Well, true, but this was not what I was imagining. I was imagining a personal budget simulation game or maybe a household budget simulation. Well, I was thinking on a much smaller scale, because Budget Hero allows the gamer to take on the federal budget! Honestly, I tried to play. It was difficult. I didn't give it the proper time and attention it deserved. If I was a student in a government or civics class, this game would be very helpful in understanding the inner-workings of the federal budget. It is multi-layered and takes a lot of thought. This game is not a pass-the-time-away type of game--it is fully instructional.

The second site I explored was McDonald's the Game.

I love this simulation game. There is not one single aspect of McDonald's that is left out. Seriously. Some things were even a bit disturbing. For example, if you have a sick cow, you have to shoot it. Also, you make use of the leftover "organic waste" after a cow is slaughtered. The gamer can even decide to administer hormones to the cattle! Aside from the agricultural and feed lot sectors, there is the fast food sector and headquarters. Gamers must monitor the crew, customers, brand awareness, burgers, and the fields and cattle, all while trying to make money. This game is no joke. It is complex, yet easy to understand and operate. It is pleasant to look at and, well, fun! I tried to make profit but kept going under. Clearly, I'm no Ray Kroc. That being said, I can keep trying--and so can students. There is much to be learned in the land of McDonald's.

Save the best for last, yes? The last site I visited was the best for me and my students. Frankly, I want to go back and play instead of writing this blog post. So, what is it? It's called the Problem Site, and I had NO problems allowing minutes to fly by as I explored all that there was to offer.

The Problem Site contains links to many flash games that are mathematically based. The best part? The games are quick to learn. This is important when a class period is only 42-minutes long. So, why are these quick-to-learn games so great? They are challenging and fun. They allow for skills practice and mastery. They are intriguing. They require logic. Obviously, I love this site. It is something I am going to start using this week--that is, if we ever escape the never-ending bliss of multiple snow days.

Overall, this week's investigations have been enjoyable. I'm a huge believer in the benefits that gaming has in education. Aside from the obvious fun of gaming, it was nice to read the research that defends the practice of gaming. In the article Sims vs. Games: The Difference Defined, several benefits of gaming were listed. Three stood out to me: 1) gaming promotes cooperation and collaboration; 2) gaming requires students to make effective decisions under stress; and 3) gaming often requires students to make ethical or moral decisions. The underlying theme here is real-life skills practice. What is more important than preparing our students for independence in the real world? It is important that teachers avoid disrespectfully dismissing gaming as a waste of time. Games can be great teachers and great motivators.

In the 2011 Horizon Report, I learned a new term: MMO. Massively Multiplayer Online. Games that are MMO require collaboration and problem solving. As a math teacher, this is what I am teaching my young teens daily. The vehicle through which I teach these skills is math, but the focus IS collaboration and problem solving. Combining what I already teach with gaming is only going to solidify these important life skills.

In gaming situations, students are less likely to be afraid of trying new things. There isn't the worry of making mistakes, because mistakes can be made without any risks (No Gamer Left Behind: Virtual Learning Goes to the Next Level). Schools have the opportunity to embrace and make use of cell phones and tablets. Games are a powerful way to tap into the interests of kids. We are living with a "knowledge economy", not an industrial economy. Times are changing and, as teachers, we must be leaders to our students in this change.

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows students to explore and manipulate computer-generated, 3-dimensional multimedia environments in real-time (Virtual Reality/Simulations). VR is awesome. The first time I experienced VR was in Houston in 1994. It's not a new technology, just more accessible. VR allows for learning experiences across all grade levels and content areas. The major set-back is the lack of teacher training. In large, urban districts, computer maintenance and availability can also hinder the usage of VR experiences for students. Again, this is why it is critical for teachers to find a way to embrace and utilize the smart phones in the back pockets of our students.

Augmented Reality (AR) was a new term for me this week. According to the 2011 Horizon Report, AR is the layering of information over 3-dimensional spaces. Immediately, I thought of Google Glass. AR is interactive, connecting real life with educational experiences. The problem I see is that special glasses/goggles or another type of special scope is required. I didn't see any information regarding the cost of this technology, but I can imagine it is NOT cheap. AR looks awesome. As it develops and becomes more readily available to public schools, I will definitely use it in the classroom. The AR books I saw in the video clips are breathtaking. Aside from the illustrations of a story jumping right off the page, imagine the comprehension that will come from being able to view a graph as IT jumps off the page?


2011 Horizon Report K-12. (n.d.). 2011 Horizon Report K-12. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from

No Gamer Left Behind: Virtual Learning Goes to the Next Level. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved February 4, 2014, from

Not a Game: Inside Virtual Iraq. (2008, May 22). YouTube. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from

Sims vs. Games: The Difference Defined. (n.d.). Edutopia. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from

Soldiers Get Virtual Reality Therapy for Burn Pain. (2008, November 10). YouTube. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from

Virtual Reality/Simulations | National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials. (n.d.). Virtual Reality/Simulations | National

Center on Accessible Instructional Materials. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. I failed miserably at the McDonald's game. No matter what, I would quickly bankrupt them.

    I love the augmented reality. I can't wait to see how that evolves as tech evolves. There are so many possibilities in my field of study where I use maps and geography for medical purposes. I am sure there are uses in math too, but that seems like a harder one. Although, people like you who work in that daily, finding ways to help students engage through math are probably the ones to offer more advice to designers and developers.

    I like how you talked about using games to fit everything into the brief period of time that you have to teach the students. It is difficult to cover all of the material without overwhelming them with new information. Too much discourages them, too little and they are bored. Game might offer that solution to help them learn faster and to help keep our students engaged!
